enero 28, 2022 / News, News Category
Why do blood glucose levels rise in diabetes? Dissemination talk by Joan-Marc Servitja from IDIPABS

noviembre 19, 2021
BLOC experts: interview with Marc Azagra

octubre 4, 2021
BLOC experts: interview with Marc Dubois

septiembre 27, 2021 / News, News Category
BLOC researchers participate in the “European Researchers Night”

julio 26, 2021
BLOC Experts: Interview with Dian Weerakonda

junio 14, 2021 / News, News Category
BLOC Experts: Interview with Vicent Ribas

junio 7, 2021 / News, News Category
A new scaffold allows pancreatic islets to adopt spheroid-like architecture in vitro

mayo 17, 2021 / News, News Category
Irene Marco-Rius launches her own research group as principal investigator

abril 19, 2021 / News, News Category
BLOC Project: towards a new technology to monitor diseases

marzo 31, 2021 / News, News Category
BLOC Experts: Interview with Alba Herrero