Last 24th of February, Alba Herrero, BLOC researcher at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), explained her trajectory as a scientist to several students from the “Institut de L’Arboç” in Tarragona, Catalonia.

Since 2015, February 11th has marked the annual celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a designation by the United Nations. This global event’s primary aim is to eliminate gender stereotypes and ingrained biases that have historically impeded the participation of females in the field of science.
On a worldwide scale, this day signifies a commitment to providing inclusive and equitable opportunities for women and girls in the scientific arena. The diverse activities organized are designed to promote the empowerment and involvement of women and girls in scientific events while advancing the cause of gender equality.
Within this framework, Alba Herrero, a member of the Molecular Imaging for Precision Medicine group led by Irene Marco at IBEC in Barcelona, actively engaged in the 8th International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Last 24th of February, she gave an online talk to 110 6-7-years-old students from “Institut de L’Arboç” in Tarragona, Catalonia as part of the annual 100tifiques event, a collaborative effort between the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST). The 100tífiques event seeks to bridge the gap between science and schools in Catalonia while advocating for the recognition of female scientific talent.
Alba explained to a very interested audience how she became a scientist and how is it to work on research, transmitting to the students her passion for science. Among other very interesting questions, students asked the difference between medicine and biomedicine, what happens if there is an accident in the laboratory and what do researchers do when the experiments go wrong! For sure some of them will be the researchers from the next years